INSPIRE Directive implementation in Portugal. The state of play


  • Paulo Patrício
  • Danilo Furtado
  • Vanda Bica
  • Alexandra Fonseca
  • Ana Luísa Gomes
  • André Serronha
  • Henrique Silva
  • Sérgio Ferreira
  • Mário Caetano

Palabras clave:

INSPIRE, infraestructuras de datos espaciales, IDE, SNIG, GeoNetwork


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Biografía del autor/a

Alexandra Fonseca

Alexandra Fonseca is a researcher at Directorate-General
of Territorial Development (DGT). Her background is on
Environmental Engineering and her PhD was focused on
the use of multimedia GIS for environmental impact assessment.
She is also part of CENSE, a research centre on
Environmental and Sustainability Research from the New
University of Lisbon (FCT/UNL). She has been involved, for
several years, in national and European projects exploiting
geographic information and ICT for environmental
concerns as well as in INSPIRE related projects. She was
part of the development team of the Portuguese NSDI,
SNIG, from 1994 to 1999. She has been part of the INSPIRE
Expert Group (2001-2007) and she is one of the PT delegates
in the INSPIRE MIG-P. Her present research interests
are related to Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI).
She is the author of several publications in books, journals
and conference proceedings.

Ana Luísa Gomes

Ana Luisa Gomes is a researcher at Directorate-General
of Territorial Development (DGT). She has a PhD
on Wilderness/Conservation/Spatial Modelling from
Portuguese Geographical Institute (IGP), Lisbon, a MSc
on Environmental/GIS/Multimedia, National Centre of
Geographical Information (CNIG), Lisbon, and a BSc on
Environmental Engineering, New University of Lisbon.
Her research focuses on the development of protected
area selection techniques based on an expert system for
modelling the wilderness concept in Portugal. She has
participated in several projects related with GIS, Spatial
Data Infrastructures, Nature Conservation and INSPIRE
implementation (e.g. Cross-Nature, NATURE-SDI, HELM,




Cómo citar

Patrício, P., Furtado, D., Bica, V., Fonseca, A., Gomes, A. L., Serronha, A., Silva, H., Ferreira, S., & Caetano, M. (2020). INSPIRE Directive implementation in Portugal. The state of play. REVISTA INTERNACIONAL MAPPING, 28(198), 46–54. Recuperado a partir de



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