Hidrografico + . Portuguese Hydrographic Institute Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure


  • Paulo Nunes
  • Sara Ameida
  • Sérgio Saraiva DEIMOS Engenharia

Palabras clave:

Servicios web geoespaciales, Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales Marinos, INSPIRE


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Biografía del autor/a

Paulo Nunes

Navy officer and hydrographer at the Portuguese
Hydrographic Institute. With more than 10 years of
experience in hydrographic geospatial information
management. Is the head of technical data management
department responsible for Marine Spatial Data
Infrastructure and scientific data life cycle management.
Paulo has a Master in Geographic Engineering
by Science Faculty of Lisbon University and an Hydrographic
Category A Certificatied by International
Hydrographic Organization.

Sérgio Saraiva, DEIMOS Engenharia

Agile Coach and Technical Manager at DEIMOS,
with nearly 20 years of experience in successfully
delivering IT projects, in several countries, technical
domains and industries, like space, aeronautics, maritime,
energy, and others. Throughout his career,
Sergio achieved several relevant project awards,
including in the Geographic Information Systems
space. Sergio is graduated in Computer Science by
the Lisbon Technical University and a Project Management
and Agile Practitioner certifications by the
Project Management Institute.




Cómo citar

Nunes, P., Ameida, S., & Saraiva, S. (2020). Hidrografico + . Portuguese Hydrographic Institute Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure. REVISTA INTERNACIONAL MAPPING, 29(202), 14–21. Recuperado a partir de https://ojs.revistamapping.com/MAPPING/article/view/336



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