Oeste smart region. Una plataforma intermunicipal integrada de inteligencia analítica territorial


  • Paulo Simões Comunidade Intermunicipal do Oeste (CIM Oeste), Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas (ISCSP), Universidade de Lisboa
  • Miguel de Castro Neto NOVA Information Management School (NOVA IMS), Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Campus de Campolide
  • Pedro Sarmento NOVA Information Management School (NOVA IMS), Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Campus de Campolide
  • André Barriguinha NOVA Information Management School (NOVA IMS), Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Campus de Campolide



Palabras clave:

Regiones inteligentes, Análisis territorial, Políticas públicas basadas en datos, Infraestructuras de Datos Espaciales, Plataforma


Las regiones inteligentes se describen como un instrumento para lograr una planificacion sostenible a nivel regional, promoviendo el desarrollo basado en el conocimiento a traves del aprendizaje continuo como parte integral del desarrollo de los recursos regionales que resuelve los desafios a traves de la aplicacion con conocimiento de las nuevas tecnologias, la organizacion de procesos y toma de decisiones razonables y preparadas para el futuro. Con este trabajo pretendemos presentar una plataforma de inteligencia territorial, en particular la infraestructura de datos espaciales que la soporta. Basado en el potencial de multiples fuentes y formatos de datos disponibles (Big Data), de los sistemas de doce municipios portugueses. Junto con el Internet de las Cosas y la inteligencia colectiva, el modelo desarrollado se plantea como una ambicion de aprovechar el potencial de la ciencia de datos y la inteligencia artificial, para impulsar un modelo regional de gobernanza basado en la gestion de la informacion capaz de impulsar la creacion de un centro de inteligencia territorial que constituye un nuevo paradigma de planificacion y gestion territorial basada en hechos.


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Biografía del autor/a

Paulo Simões, Comunidade Intermunicipal do Oeste (CIM Oeste), Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas (ISCSP), Universidade de Lisboa

Paulo Simões is Executive Secretary of CIM Oeste. His main responsibilities are CIM Oeste public manager, manage intercity services and administrative modernization. He manages intermunicipal services such as Administrative Modernization, Digital Transition and Environmental Transition, investment attraction and internationalization. Previously he worked in several Portuguese public institutions like the Directorate-General of Economic Activities and the Ministry of International Affairs where he had leading roles. Paulo Simões is a PhD student in Public Administration, has a Specialization Diploma in Public Management, a Specialization Diploma in Leadership and People Management and the Senior Management Course in Public Administration (INA). Previously he obtained a degree in Human Resources Management and a post-graduation in Marketing and Business by Universidade Lusiada in Lisbon. He is the internal responsible for the SMART REGION Project, coordinating at policy level the participation of each municipality in the project.

Miguel de Castro Neto, NOVA Information Management School (NOVA IMS), Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Campus de Campolide

Miguel de Castro Neto is Dean of NOVA Information Management School (NOVA IMS) at Universidade Nova de Lisboa, where he created NOVA Cidade – Urban Analytics Lab, dedicated to smart cities and urban analytics. He was Secretary of State for Spatial Planning and Nature Conservation in the 19th and 20th Governments and Smart Cities Personality of the Year 2017 (Green Business Week / AIP Foundation). Founder and Vice President of the Data Science Portuguese Association and member of the Platform for Sustainable Growth. He develops his research and teaching work in the area of Business Intelligence and Smart Cities, with emphasis on the creation of the Master in Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence at NOVA IMS, currently classified as the “World Best Master Program in Business Intelligence” by the Eduniversal international ranking, where he teaches the Business Intelligence course units. He is responsible for the high-level management of Smart Region platform.

Pedro Sarmento, NOVA Information Management School (NOVA IMS), Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Campus de Campolide

Currently Pedro Sarmento is a researcher at NOVA Cidade – Urban Analytics Lab and professor of the practice at NOVA Information Management School (NOVA IMS). He holds a PhD in Information Management – Geographic Information Systems (GIS) by NOVA IMS of Universidade Nova de Lisboa, previously obtained an MSc in Science & Geographic Information Systems by the same institution and a graduation in Biophysics Engineering - Planning and Environmental Management from the University of Évora. His main research areas are related with urban analytics namely in the areas of mobility, waste management, parking, and emergency, having previously worked and made research, in the production and accuracy assessment of land cover maps, in private and public institutions. Currently he analyzes spatial data and manage projects, developing research and technical work that explore the potential of data science and GIS to promote social, economic, and environmental well-being at city, regional and national level. He is responsible for the technical management of the Smart Region platform.

André Barriguinha, NOVA Information Management School (NOVA IMS), Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Campus de Campolide

André Barriguinha has a degree in Agricultural Engineering from the University of Évora, where he was involved as a collaborator in several research projects in the Department of Rural Engineering of the same institution, in the areas of agricultural and forestry mechanization. Subsequently, he expanded his professional skills, in the preparation and technical monitoring of projects and works in the agricultural and forestry sectors at the companies EcoAgro, Lda. and TMF, Lda., where he acquired extensive experience over the years in terms of consultancy and execution. Master in Science and Geographic Information Systems and PhD candidate in Information Management – Geoinformatics at NOVA IMS Information Management School, Universidade Nova de Lisboa where he taught, as a guest lecturer, in the subjects of Databases and Geographic Information Systems and remains guest lecturer in the Urban Analytics course of the Post-Graduate Course in Smart Cities. Since 2020, he has been working with NOVA Cidade – Urban Analytics Lab as Chief Operating Officer (COO) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Specialist and Researcher. He is responsible for Smart Region platform implementation.


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Cómo citar

Simões, P., de Castro Neto, M., Sarmento, P., & Barriguinha, A. (2023). Oeste smart region. Una plataforma intermunicipal integrada de inteligencia analítica territorial. REVISTA INTERNACIONAL MAPPING, 32(211), 50–61. https://doi.org/10.59192/mapping.395



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