Oeste smart region. An intermunicipal integrated analytical territorial intelligence platform
Smart regions, Territorial analytics, Data-driven public policies, Spatial Data Infrastructures, PlatformAbstract
Smart regions are described as an instrument to achieve sustainable planning at the regional level, promoting knowledge-based development through continuous learning as an integral part of the development of regional resources that solves challenges through the knowledgeable application of new technologies, the organization of processes and reasonable and future-proof decision-making. With this work we intend to present a territorial intelligence platform, in particular the spatial data infrastructure that supports it. Based on the potential of multiple sources and formats of data available (Big Data), from the systems of twelve Portuguese municipalities. Along with the Internet of Things and collective intelligence the developed model, sets out as an ambition to take advantage of the potential of data science and artificial intelligence, to promote a regional model of governance based on the management of information capable of leveraging the creation of a territorial intelligence center constituting a new paradigm of territorial planning and management based on facts.
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