

  • Sergio Jorrín Abellán Geograma
  • Óscar Diago Alonso Geograma


Spatial ETL tool, Estract Transform & Load, INSPIRE, cadastral parcels, administrative units


In this article, the value of using a Spatial ETL tool for the creation
and maintenance of the INSPIRE topics of Cadastral Plots and
Administrative Units will be explained.
To solve the associated problem, it is necessary to identify the
appropriate tool. There are Spatial ETL tools that allow to define
processes and maintain them in a simple way, using a visual tool.
The communication will show the defined processes that, on the
one hand, store the information in the corporate database (SQL
Server) and that publish the Inspire visualization service (WMS)
and on the other, they obtain GML files that are published as
services Download (ATOM).
The maintenance process updates the data in both formats and
also modifies the revision dates of the metadata in XML format
of the ATOM service.
Palabras clave:


Download data is not yet available.

Author Biography

Sergio Jorrín Abellán, Geograma

In this article, the value of using a Spatial ETL tool for the creation
and maintenance of the INSPIRE topics of Cadastral Plots and
Administrative Units will be explained.
To solve the associated problem, it is necessary to identify the
appropriate tool. There are Spatial ETL tools that allow to define
processes and maintain them in a simple way, using a visual tool.
The communication will show the defined processes that, on the
one hand, store the information in the corporate database (SQL
Server) and that publish the Inspire visualization service (WMS)
and on the other, they obtain GML files that are published as
services Download (ATOM).
The maintenance process updates the data in both formats and
also modifies the revision dates of the metadata in XML format
of the ATOM service.



How to Cite

Jorrín Abellán, S., & Diago Alonso, Óscar. (2019). Array . REVISTA INTERNACIONAL MAPPING, 28(194), 44–47. Retrieved from



Artículos Científicos