Hydrographic open data for society


  • Paulo Nunes Instituto Hidrográfico
  • João Vicente Instituto Hidrográfico
  • Ana Leonor Veiga Instituto Hidrográfico
  • Cristina Monteiro Instituto Hidrográfico
  • Telmo Dias Instituto Hidrográfico
  • Carla Palma Instituto Hidrográfico
  • Miguel Neto NOVA IMS




FAIR Principles, Hydrography, Marine Spatial Data Infrastructures, Ocean Decade, Open Data


Hydrography is defined as: “The branch of applied sciences which deals with the measurement and description of the physical features of oceans, seas, coastal areas, lakes and rivers, as well as with the prediction of their change over time, for the primary purpose of safety of navigation and in support of all other marine activities, including economic development, security and defence, scientific research, and environmental protection” (Publication S-32). Due to their broad concept hydrographic data and information provide the foundational bases for marine space management, fisheries, coastal environment, policy decisions, shipping, energy and oil industry, etc. Portuguese Hydrographic Institute (IH) manages geospatial datasets from several scientific and technical domains. Data management has been on daily agenda and always has an internal priority. Facing the digital transformation tsunami and rapid evolution of society data requirements is the main driven for developing an internal sustainable open data strategy aligned with findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR) principles and as open as possible. The European Open Data and Open Science strategies combined with the need to fill the ocean knowledge gaps are changing the way how data producers deal with geospatial information. This article presents several IH projects to increase sharing and reuse of hydrographic data by society.


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Author Biographies

Paulo Nunes, Instituto Hidrográfico

Is a navy officer since 2004. Works in Geospatial Data and Information Management, Marine Spatial Data Infrastructures development and management since 2016. Is certified with a Cat. A Hydrographer and a MEng in Geographic Engineering from the Faculty of Science of University of Lisbon.

João Vicente, Instituto Hidrográfico

Is a Navy officer since 1995. He is the Technical-director of the Portugueses Hydrographic Institute. He has a degree in Hydrography (FIG/IHO/ICA Cat. A) and a MSc in Geographic Information Systems by Lisbon University.

Ana Leonor Veiga, Instituto Hidrográfico

Diploma in Geographic Engineering by the Faculty of Sciences of University of Lisbon and member of the Engineering College. She works as assistant of the Head of the Hydrography Division since 1993. From 1993 to 2005 she worked in cartographic production. She is responsible of the Sector of Bathymetric Data Management since 2005.

Cristina Monteiro, Instituto Hidrográfico

Diploma in Geographic Engineering by the Faculty of Sciences of University of Lisbon and has a Specialization in Hydrography Category A certified by IHO, FIG and ICA and she is a member of the Engineering College. From 2008 to 2021, she had been working as a researcher in Hydrographic Surveys, at Hidrográfico´s Hydrographic Division. Currently, she works at the Sector of Bathymetric Data Management, and she has been dedicated to external data quality control and data analysis for nautical charts updating. Researcher and/or team coordinator in EU Framework Programme I&D Projects (Guad20).

Telmo Dias, Instituto Hidrográfico

Is a Navy officer since 2006. He works at the Technical- Scientific Data Management Centre of the Portuguese Hydrographic Institute. He has a degree in Hydrography (FIG/IHO/ICA Cat. A) and a MSc in Geographic Information Systems and Science by NOVA Information Management School.

Carla Palma, Instituto Hidrográfico

Is the Head of the Chemistry and Pollution of the Marine Environment department at Instituto Hidrográfico, she is a chemical engineer specialized in marine geochemistry. She has a Master degree in Technological Organic Chemistry and a PhD in Chemistry from University of Aveiro in 2014, related with the study of metals in seawater and sediments of the Azores Platform. Since 1996 she has been working at IH, developing studies and works on the chemical properties of seawater and marine pollution, particularly in the field of trace metals in the marine environment. She has a large experience with laboratory methodologies in the field of marine pollution characterization, planning and implementation of monitoring programs in coastal and estuarine areas and processing data of pollutants. She is also lecturer of Marine Chemistry at the School of Hydrography and Oceanography at IH.

Miguel Neto, NOVA IMS

Is Dean of NOVA Information Management School (NOVA IMS) at Universidade Nova de Lisboa, where he created NOVA Cidade – Urban Analytics Lab, dedicated to smart cities and urban analytics. He was Secretary of State for Spatial Planning and Nature Conservation in the 19th and 20th Governments and Smart Cities Personality of the Year 2017 (Green Business Week / AIP Foundation). Founder of the Data Science Portuguese Association and member of the Platform for Sustainable Growth. He develops his research and teaching work in the area of Business Intelligence and Smart Cities, with emphasis on the creation of the Master in Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence at NOVA IMS, currently classified as the “World Best Master Program in Business Intelligence” by the Eduniversal international ranking, where he teaches the Business Intelligence course units.


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How to Cite

Nunes, P., Vicente, J., Veiga, A. L., Monteiro, C., Dias, T., Palma, C., & Neto, M. (2023). Hydrographic open data for society. REVISTA INTERNACIONAL MAPPING, 32(211), 34–48. https://doi.org/10.59192/mapping.393



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